Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Mail Order Bride Myth

Hopefully this is stating the obvious, but just to confirm everyone's suspicions - "Mail-order Brides" simply do not exist. There is no such thing. What's more - the term is an insult to the intelligent, educated and discerning women of Russia and the FSU. They can not be bought, ordered, or put into an on-line shopping cart & delivered to your door. Doesn't happen! And if you think you can bring her to your country before you've ever physically met - think again.

If you're looking at using any on-line service for finding your Russian bride, here's a tip for weeding-out a good proportion of the bad ones right from the start:

Do not deal with ANY service-provider who uses the term "Mail-order Bride". They have NO integrity, and no respect for the women they are trying to "help".

If they insult the women, what else do they do?

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